positive approachChange can be one of the biggest challenges to our daily lives.  At work, in our home lives and as part of our recreational pursuits we are constantly required to adapt, take on new skills and deal with a changing landscape.  This can lead to anxiety, aggression and fear if handled negatively.  However, it doesn’t need to be that way.  Anyone can learn to take a more positive approach to change, looking for the opportunities and benefits that may come from embracing the changes.

Change is inevitable

There are two things the human race can rely on taking place; death and change.  But we do not need to view those two in the same mental compartment.  Change does not have to be destructive, pointless or an obstacle to getting day to day work done.  No matter what reasons may lead up to changes in your home life or work, it is far better to accept change and work with it rather than fight it.  Many changes bring positive outcomes even if it is hard to see them at the onset.  It is important to recognize the things you have an influence on and those you do not.  If you have no power to divert the course of decisions or actions which lead to change then you need to prepare yourself to deal with the results and get the best out of the situation.  If you do have an opportunity to give your input or shape the changes taking place, then use these opportunities wisely and positively.

A positive approach

Change can lead to uncertainty and a fear of the unfamiliar; however, if a positive approach and mindset can be applied to a changing situation it can become a far less intimidating experience.  Start by recognizing what is good and works well in the current situation and work out how that can be protected through the period of change.  Then start asking questions to discover how change can make the situation better and how you can find ways to learn and grow from the experience.  Take the positives from these two assessments and use the energy that they bring to build a vision of how things could be better once the change has taken place.  By focusing on the positives and building a sense of empowerment, rather than helplessness around a change, it is possible to create momentum for improvement and a set of positive outcomes.

Always learning, always growing

By embracing the opportunities afforded by change there is the chance to learn and grow from the experience.  Humans need new challenges to learn about themselves and the world around them.  By stimulating our brains and taking steps to adapt to new situations, we can discover hidden talents, increase our skill set and develop an open mind, ready to accept the benefits from changes to our world.  If we do not learn and grow we can become stale, narrow-minded and limit our potential.  Change gives us a chance to take the best elements of our current situation and enhance them with new ways of working and living that will improve our lives.