perfect speakingWe are now going to look in more detail as to what to do when choosing your presentation topic. I will outline five strategies or principles for you in the next five posts. The first one I would like to highlight is that your topic has to be plausible.

What does it mean to be plausible? Simply stated it means that your topic is credible so that you come across as trustworthy and believable. You have to know what you are talking about or you run the risk of losing people’s trust in you and in your product or service.

Highlight Your Expertise

Now what is the best way to choose a plausible topic? Choose a topic in which you are an expert. By highlighting one area within your industry of which you have superior knowledge, you portray yourself as an expert in that field. This is essential for gaining loyalty and trust from your customers. You want people to look to you for knowledge and answers related to your specific product or business.

The people that you are addressing need to believe that you are an expert. If for example you are an auto mechanic, you are not going to succeed in public speaking by standing up in front of a group of people and talk about being a brain surgeon. What you choose to speak on has to be believable.

In other words, you need to avoid speaking on topics you really know little or nothing about. All it takes is one expert in the audience and one well aimed question to unravel the pretense and cause a lot of damage to your reputation. Stick with what you know, and you will find a natural confidence that comes across during your presentation because you will be secure in your knowledge.

The whole goal of your public speaking is to promote your business and to increase your client or customer base, so it makes sense that the your topic pertains to your field of expertise and shows you have relevant experience in your field.

Ask yourself what you are good at. What are you aiming to do in your businesses? Is there a customer need that you are trying to fulfill? What are your experiences in this industry? What is your background? How did you get involved in this area of business? People need to believe you, to understand where you are coming from, and to recognize your expertise in your field.

If you are struggling to highlight an area of expertise, another way around it is to choose something that makes you unique. This is an important aspect of marketing, especially if you are in a large industry or selling a common product or service. Look for something that sets you apart from other competitors. It may be that no one in your industry has highlighted the obvious, but if you highlight it, (for example a unique aspect of food preparation or a unique ingredient in your product), people will naturally look to you as the expert in your field.

Apply these tips to choosing a plausible topic, and your confidence for public speaking will increase and you will hold a valuable marketing opportunity within your hands.