The last key to changing your life is to enjoy the ride. Make a conscious choice to enjoy the journey you’re taking.

Enjoy the ride!Positive Or Negative

If you listen to people and what they say about their lives, it’s nearly always negative. “I’m in a really bad place right now. I’m down in the dumps.” “You know what, I’m broke, I’m strapped for cash, and I’m struggling financially.” Or, “My health is failing and my family’s health is failing and my daughter is in the hospital. She has just had 13 surgeries and she has been in the hospital for four months. She is undergoing rehab.”

But in spite of these things happening in life, as unavoidable as some of these circumstances are, you have a choice to either be down in the dumps about it all, to fall into depression and negativity, or to accept that this is part of our experience. Every circumstance you face in your life, whether negative or positive, can become a valuable part of your journey.

Learning From Your Experiences

People often ask my wife, my son or I about my daughter Lauren. When we reply, their first response is usually, “Oh poor baby!”

If I could have anything in life, I would love to have my daughter’s health back, but I don’t think of Lauren as a “poor” child because I truly believe our family is blessed. The challenges with her health are part of our ride and part of our journey as a family. What my wife, my son, and I have learned from this experience is that family is more important than anything else in life.

The moral of my story is that you can choose to enjoy your ride and enjoy the bad experiences along with the good.

The Bad Makes The Good Better

Of course, it is easier to enjoy the happier, good experiences in life and everybody would rather have positive experiences, but honestly, without the bad experiences, the good experiences are not as good. Those experiences are not as rich. When you walk through the valley, when you persevere through the hard times, the view from the top of the mountain is so much richer.

If the weather is warm and sunny all year around, it gets boring because you have the same weather every day. However, after the rain falls and the sun comes out again from behind the clouds everything looks so much brighter, fresher and more beautiful.

Accomplish Everything You Desire

So, enjoy every part of the ride you are on, enjoy the journey of your life. Embracing these five simple keys will be life changing. Applying these keys will enable you to accomplish everything you desire in life.

Start by deciding what you want then plan how you are going to get it. Take some action, continue to review your results, stay on the path and enjoy the journey. Wherever your journey leads you, whether it is a valley or a mountaintop, it is part of your journey.